Duty to update the information related to claims in the National Registry of Databases:

The persons and entities that already have their databases registered in the National Registry of Databases, must update the information of the claims filed during the second semester of 2023 by the holders of the information. This update must be made even if the owners of the information have not made any claim. Such report must be made within the first 15 working days of February of the current year, that is, before February 21, 2024.

Annual general update of the National Database Registry:

By March 31, 2024 at the latest, the general annual update of the RNBD must be complied with, including non-substantial changes in the information recorded therein. Likewise, it is important to remember that when substantial changes are evidenced in the information recorded in the RNBD, the update must be made within the first 10 working days of the month following its occurrence.